FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/994689693943544/
Bands will start at 8:30 sharp- no punk time!
Bad Mechanics (CHI): Lo-fi scatter-brain punk two piece from CHICAGO made up of former mbrs of GALACTIC CANNIBAL and HEWHOCORRUPTS. Think DEVO, NO MEANS NO, and THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS. Less people, less problems. Older yet dumber. Smarter once dumber. https://badmechanics.bandcamp.com/releases
Drilling for Blasting (CHI): https://drillingforblasting.bandcamp.com/album/how-to-play-guitar
Monkey Robot War (GR): Grand Rapids favorite darling' https://monkeyrobotwar.bandcamp.com/
Crooked Heart (GR): http://crookedheart.bandcamp.com/
Message admin for address. Don't park at the liquor store. $5 NOT BYOB.